This section requires measure theory, so you may need to review the chapter on foundations, particularly the sections on topology, measurable spaces, and positive measures. First, recall that a set almost always comes with a -algebra of admissible subsets, so that is a measurable space. Usually in fact, has a topology and is the corresponding Borel -algebra, that is, the -algebra generated by the topology. If is countable, we almost always take to be the collection of all subsets of , and in this case is a discrete space. The other common case is when is a measurable subset of for some , in which case is the collection of measurable subsets of . If are measurable spaces for some , then the Cartesian product is given the product -algebra . As a special case, the Cartesian power is given the corresponding power -algebra .
With these preliminary remarks out of the way, suppose that is a probability space so that is the set of outcomes, the -algebra of events, and is the probability measure on the sample space . Suppose also that and are measurable spaces. Here is our main definition:
A random process or stochastic process on with state space and index set is a collection of random variables such that takes values in for each .
Sometimes it's notationally convenient to write instead of for . Often or and the elements of are interpreted as points in time (discrete time in the first case and continuous time in the second). So then is the state of the random process at time , and the index space becomes the time space.
Since is itself a function from into , it follows that ultimately, a stochastic process is a function from into . Stated another way, is a random function on the probability space . To make this precise, recall that is the notation sometimes used for the collection of functions from into . Recall also that a natural -algebra used for is the one generated by sets of the form
This -algebra, denoted , generalizes the ordinary power -algebra mentioned in the opening paragraph and will be important in the discussion of existence below.
Suppose that is a stochastic process on the probability space with state space and index set . Then the mapping that takes into the function is measurable with respect to and .
Recall that a mapping with values in is measurable if and only if each of its coordinate functions
is measurable. In the present context that means that we must show that the function is measurable with respect to and for each . But of course, that follows from the very meaning of the term random variable.
For , the function is known as a sample path of the process. So , the set of functions from into , can be thought of as a set of outcomes of the stochastic process , a point we will return to in our discussion of existence below.
As noted in the proof [2], is a measurable function from into for each , by the very meaning of the term random variable. But it does not follow in general that is measurable as a function from into . In fact, the -algebra on has played no role in our discussion so far. Informally, a statement about for a fixed or even a statement about for countably many defines an event. But it does not follow that a statement about for uncountably many defines an event. We often want to make such statements, so the following definition is inevitable:
A stochastic process defined on the probability space and with index space and state space is measurable if is a measurable function from into .
Every stochastic process indexed by a countable set is measurable, so the definition is only important when is uncountable, and in particular for .
Equivalent Processes
Our next goal is to study different ways that two stochastic processes, with the same state and index spaces, can be equivalent
, so you may need to review equivalence relations. We will assume that the diagonal , an assumption that almost always holds in applications, and in particular for the discrete and Euclidean spaces that are most important to us. Sufficient conditions are that have a sub -algebra that is countably generated and contains all of the singleton sets, properties that hold for the Borel -algebra when the topology on is locally compact, Hausdorff, and has a countable base.
First, we often feel that we understand a random process well if we know the finite dimensional distributions, that is, if we know the distribution of for every choice of and . Thus, we can compute for every , , and . Using various rules of probability, we can compute the probabilities of many events involving infinitely many values of the index parameter as well. With this idea in mind, we have the following definition:
Random processes and with state space and index set are equivalent in distribution if they have the same finite dimensional distributions. This defines an equivalence relation on the collection of stochastic processes with this state space and index set. That is, if , , and are such processes then
- is equivalent in distribution to (the reflexive property)
- If is equivalent in distribution to then is equivalent in distribution to (the symmetric property)
- If is equivalent in distribution to and is equivalent in distribution to then is equivalent in distribution to (the transitive property)
Note that since only the finite-dimensional distributions of the processes and are involved in the definition, the processes need not be defined on the same probability space. Thus, equivalence in distribution partitions the collection of all random processes with a given state space and index set into mutually disjoint equivalence classes. But of course, we already know that two random variables can have the same distribution but be very different as variables (that is, as functions on the sample space). Clearly, the same statement applies to random processes.
Suppose that is a sequence of independent indicator random variables with for each . Let for . Then is equivalent in distribution to but
The state set is and if and only if . Hence is also a sequence of independent indicator variables with for each , and so and are equivalent in distribution.
In example [5], and are sequences of Bernoulli trials with success parameter .
Motivated by this example, let's look at another, stronger way that random processes can be equivalent. First recall that random variables and on , with values in , are equivalent if .
Suppose that and are stochastic processes defined on the same probability space and both with state space and index set . Then is a versions of if is equivalent to (so that ) for every . This defines an equivalence relation on the collection of stochastic processes on the same probability space and with the same state space and index set. That is, if , , and are such processes then
- is a version of (the reflexive property)
- If is a version of then is ia version of (the symmetric property)
- If is a version of and is of then is a version of (the transitive property)
Note that is a random variable with values in (and so the function is measurable). The event is the inverse image of the diagonal under this mapping, and so the definition makes sense.
So the version of relation partitions the collection of stochastic processes on a given probability space and with a given state space and index set into mutually disjoint equivalence classes.
Suppose again that and are random processes on with state space and index set . If is a version of then and are equivalent in distribution.
Suppose that and that . Recall that the intersection of a finite (or even countably infinite) collection of events with probability 1 still has probability 1. Hence
As noted in the proof, a countable intersection of events with probability 1 still has probability 1. Hence if is countable and random processes is a version of then
so and really are essentially the same random process. But when is uncountable the result in the displayed equation may not be true, and and may be very different as random functions on . Here is a simple example:
Suppose that , is the -algebra of Borel measurable subsets of , and is any continuous probability measure on . Let (with all subsets measurable, of course). For and , define and . Then is a version of , but .
For , since is a continuous measure. But .
Motivated by example [8], we have our strongest form of equivalence:
Suppose that and are measurable random processes on the probability space and with state space and index space . Then is indistinguishable from if . This defines an equivalence relation on the collection of measurable stochastic processes defined on the same probability space and with the same state and index spaces. That is, if , , and are such processes then
- is indistinguishable from (the reflexive property)
- If is indistinguishable from then is indistinguishable from (the symmetric property)
- If is indistinguishable from and is indistinguishable from then is indistinguishable from (the transitive property)
The measurability requirement for the stochastic processes is needed to ensure that is a valid event. To see this, note that is measurable, as a function from into . As before, let denote the diagonal. Then and the inverse image of under our mapping is
The projection of this set onto
since the projection of a measurable set in the product space is also measurable. Hence the complementary event
So the indistinguishable from relation partitions the collection of measurable stochastic processes on a given probability space and with given state space and index space into mutually disjoint equivalence classes. Trivially, if is indistinguishable from , then is a version of . As noted above, when is countable, the converse is also true, but not, as example [8] shows, when is uncountable. So to summarize, indistinguishable from implies version of implies equivalent in distribution, but none of the converse implications hold in general.
The Kolmogorov Construction
In applications, a stochastic process is often modeled by giving various distributional properties that the process should satisfy. So the basic existence problem is to construct a process that has these properties. More specifically, how can we construct random processes with specified finite dimensional distributions? Let's start with the simplest case, one that we have seen several times before, and build up from there. Our simplest case is to construct a single random variable with a specified distribution.
Suppose that is a probability space. Then there exists a random variable on a probability space such that takes values in and has distribution .
The proof is utterly trivial. Let and define by , so that is the identity function. Then and so for .
In spite of its triviality the last result contains the seeds of everything else we will do in this discussion. Next, let's see how to construct a sequence of independent random variables with specified distributions.
Suppose that is a probability measure on the measurable space for . Then there exists an independent sequence of random variables on a probability space such that takes values in and has distribution for .
Let . Next let , the corresponding product -algebra. Recall that this is the -algebra generated by sets of the form
Finally, let , the corresponding product measure on . Recall that this is the unique probability measure that satisfies
where is a set of the type in the first displayed equation. Now define on by , for , so that is simply the coordinate function for index . If is a set of the type in the first displayed equation then
and so by the definition of the product measure,
It follows that is a sequence of independent variables and that has distribution for .
If you looked at the proof of the last two results you might notice that the last result can be viewed as a special case of the one before, since is simply the identity function on . The important step is the existence of the product measure on .
The full generalization of these results is known as the Kolmogorov existence theorem (named for Andrei Kolmogorov). We start with the state space and the index set . The theorem states that if we specify the finite dimensional distributions in a consistent way, then there exists a stochastic process defined on a suitable probability space that has the given finite dimensional distributions. The consistency condition is a bit clunky to state in full generality, but the basic idea is very easy to understand. Suppose that and are distinct elements in and that we specify the distribution (probability measure) of , of , of , and of . Then clearly we must specify these so that
For all . Clearly we also must have for all measurable , where .
To state the consistency conditions in general, we need some notation. For , let denote the set of -tuples of distinct elements of , and let denote the set of all finite sequences of distinct elements of . If , and is a permutation of , let denote the element of with coordinates . That is, we permute the coordinates of according to . If , let
finally, if , let denote the vector
Now suppose that is a probability measure on for each and . The idea, of course, is that we want the collection to be the finite dimensional distributions of a random process with index set and state space . Here is the critical definition:
The collection of probability distributions relative to and is consistent if
- for every , , permutation of , and measurable .
- for every , , and measurable
With the proper definition of consistence, we can state the fundamental theorem.
Kolmogorov Existence Theorem. If is a consistent collection of probability distributions relative to the index set and the state space , then there exists a probability space and a stochastic process on this probability space such that is the collection of finite dimensional distribution of .
Let , the set of functions from to . Such functions are the outcomes of the stochastic process. Let , the product -algebra, generated by sets of the form
where for all and for all but finitely many . We know how our desired probability measure should work on the sets that generate . Specifically, suppose that is a set of the type in the displayed equation, and except for . Then we want
Basic existence and uniqueness theorems, and the consistency of , guarantee that can be extended to a probability measure on all of . Finally, for we define by for , so that is simply the coordinate function of index . Thus, we have a stochastic process with state space , defined on the probability space , with as the collection of finite dimensional distributions.
Note that except for the more complicated notation, the construction is very similar to the one for a sequence of independent variables in [11]. Again, is essentially the identity function on . The important and more difficult part is the construction of the probability measure on .
Our last discussion is a summary of the stochastic processes that are studied in this text. All are classics and are immensely important in applications.
Random processes associated with renewal theory include
- The sequence of inter-arrival times
- The sequence of arrival times
- The counting process on
Markov processes are a very important family of random processes as are processes associated with Brownian motion.