United States

The interactive map and table below display data on the location of physicians with active Alabama medical licenses. Physicians with Alabama licenses are found in every state in the US, as well as several US territories and several foreigh countries.


States with darkder colors correspond to higher numbers of physicians.

Tables and Graphs

The table on the left gives the number of physicians with active Alabama licenses in each state, as well as the number in US territoris and in foreign countries. Click on rows to see the corresponding states highlighted in the map above. Click on a selected row again to de-select and remove the highlighting. The table on the right gives summary information for Alabama, the four border states (Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee), other US states, and US territoris and foreign countries. About 32% of physicians with active Alabama licenses have a primary practice location outside of the state.

Name Physicians
Name Physicians
Distribution by Location
Distribution by Location