The following table has the fields explained below. All physician numbers are given in full-time equivalent (FTE) units. See the discussion of methods for more information. You can select rows in the table and see the corresponding PCSAs highlighted in the map below. Click on a selected row to de-select and remove the highlight.
- Type: urban or rural
- PCP 0–19: The number of PCPs required for the 0–19 age group in the service area.
- Ped: the number of pediatricins in the service area
- Ped Surplus: the difference between Ped and PCP 0–19, so a surplus if positive or a deficiency if negative.
- PCP 20+: The number of PCPs required for the 20+ age group in the service area.
- IM: The number of internal medicine physicians in the servie area.
- IM Surplus: The difference between IM and PCP 20+, so a surplus if positive and a deficiency if negative.
- FM: The number of family medicine physicians in the service area.
- FM Surplus: The difference between FM and the total deficiency of Ped Surplus and IM Surplus.
Type |
PCP 0--19 |
Ped |
Ped Surplus |
PCP 20+ |
IM |
IM Surplus |
FM |
FM Surplus |
The map below shows the PCSAs. Click on a PCSA to see summary information. The information in the popups is updated automatically if you change the parameters with the scrollbars above.