Random Evolution Processes with Feedback, Kyle Siegrist, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 265 (1981), 375–391.
Harmonic Functions and the Dirichlet Problem for Revival Markov Processes, Kyle Siegrist, Annals of Probability, 11 (1983), 624–634.
Bivariate Step Processes and Random Evolutions, Kyle Siegrist, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 14 (1984), 201–211.
Estimation and Optimal Stopping in a Debugging Model with Masking, Kyle Siegrist, Journal of Applied Probability, 22 (1985), 336–345.
A Debugging Model with Independent Flaws and Random Masking, Kyle Siegrist, Operations Research, 34 (1986), 177–178.
Markov Chains with Binomial Time Change, Kyle Siegrist, Journal of Applied Probability, 23 (1986), 519–523.
An Urn Model with Bernoulli Removals and Independent Additions, Kyle Siegrist, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 25 (1987), 315–324.
Exact Formulas for Reliability Measures for Various Classes of Graphs, Ashok Amin, Kyle Siegrist, and Peter Slater; Congressus Numerantium, 58 (1987), 43–52.
Pair-Connected Reliability of a Tree and Its Distance Degree Sequences, Ashok Amin, Kyle Siegrist and Peter Slater; Congressus Numerantium, 58 (1987), 53–65.
Reliability of Systems with Markov Transfer of Control, Kyle Siegrist, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE 14 (1988), 1049–1053.
Reliability of Systems with Markov Transfer of Control II, Kyle Siegrist, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE 14 (1988), 1478–1480.
Pair-Connected Reliability of Communications Networks with Vertex Failure, Ashok Amin, Kyle Siegrist, and Peter Slater; Congressus Numerantium 67 (1988), 233–242.
\( n \)-point, win-by-\( k \) games, Kyle Siegrist, Journal of Applied Probability, 27 (1989), 807–814.
The Central Limit Theorem and the Law of Large Numbers for Pair-Connectivity in Bernoulli Trees, Kyle Siegrist, Ashok Amin and Peter Slater, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 3 (1989), 477–491.
On the Nonexistence of Uniformly Optimal Graphs for Pair-Connected Reliability, Ahok. Amin, Kyle Siegrist and Peter Slater; Networks, 21 (1991), 359–368.
On the Expected Number of Pairs of Connected Nodes: Pair-Connected Reliability, Ashok Amin, Kyle Siegrist and Peter Slater; Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 17 (1993), 1–11.
The Optimal Unicyclic Graphs for Pair-Connected Reliability, Kyle Siegrist, Ashok Amin and Peter Slater; Discrete Applied Mathematics, 41 (1993), 235–243.
On Uniformly Optimally Reliable Graphs for Pair-Connected Reliability with Vertex Failures, Ashok Amin, Kyle Siegrist and Peter Slater; Networks, 23 (1993), 185–193.
Optimal Occupation in the Complete Graph, Kyle Siegrist, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 7 (1993), 369–385.
Exponential Distributions on Semigroups, Kyle Siegrist, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 7 (1994), 725–737.
Expected Value Expansions in Random Subgraphs with Applications to Network Reliability, Kyle Siegrist, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 7 (1998) 465–483.
Relative Aging of Distributions, Ginger Holmes-Rowell and Kyle Siegrist, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 12 (1998), 469–478.
Generalizations of Bold Play in Red and Black, M Pendergrass and Kyle Siegrist, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 92 (2001), 163–180.
Sequential Games, Kyle Siegrist and John Steele, Journal of Applied Probability, 38 (2001), 1006–1017
Renewal Processes on Partially Ordered Sets, Kyle Siegrist, Random Structures and Algorithms, 22 (2003), 15–32.
The Probability/Statistics Object Library, Kyle Siegrist, Journal of Online Mathematics and Its Applications, October 2004.
Decomposition of Exponential Distributions on Positive Semigroups, Kyle Siegrist, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 19 (2006), 204–220.
Expository Mathematics in the Digital Age, Kyle Siegrist, Editor's Note, Journal of Online Mathematics and Its Applications (2006)
Random, Finite Subsets with Exponential Distributions, Kyle Siegrist, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 21 (2007), 117–131.
Exponential and Gamma Distributions on Positive Semigroups with Applications to Dirichlet Distributions, Kyle Siegrist, Bernoulli 13 (2007), 330–345.
Mathematics with Structure and Style, Kyle Siegrist, Editor's Note, Journal of Online Mathematics and Its Applications, 2007
How to Gamble if You Must, Kyle Siegrist, Loci, July 2008.
Constant Rate Distributions on Partially Ordered Sets, Kyle Siegrist, Journal of Probability and Statistics, vol. 2010, Article ID 675754, 21 pages, 2010. DOI 10.1155/2010/675754.
Statistics and Gambling, Kyle Siegrist, International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Miodrag Lovric (Ed.), 2011, Springer.
Extending and Customizing Content MathML, Kyle Siegrist
Upward and Downward Runs on Partially Ordered Sets, Kyle Siegrist
Statistical Analysis of a Debugging Model, Kyle Siegrist, 1982 Summer Faculty Research Program, NASA, Contract Report CR-162051, December, 1982.
A Markov Chain Model for Reliability Growth and Decay, Kyle Siegrist, 1983 Summer Faculty Research Program, NASA, Contract Report CR 170942
Reliability of Systems with Markov Transfer of Control, Kyle Siegrist, 1985 Summer Faculty Research Program, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Rome Air Development Center. Contract Number F49620-85-C-0013, August, 1985.
Reliability of Systems with Random Transfer of Control, Kyle Siegrist, Research Initiation Program, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Rome Air Development Center, Contract Number F49620-85-C-0013, June, 1986.
Development of Predictive Models from Hardware Historical Failure Data, Kyle Siegrist, E Goss, and L Yarbrough, Rockwell Corporation, UAH Report #500, April, 1986.
Regression Analysis of SSME Hot Fire Tests, Kyle Siegrist, Calspan Corporation, Contract Number S88-08, December, 1988.
Statistical Analysis of SSME Nozzle Tube Leaks, Kyle Siegrist , Calspan Corporation, Contract Number S88-08, March, 1989
Statistical Analysis of SSME Nozzle Tube Leaks-Phase II, Kyle Siegrist, Calspan Corporation, Contract Number S89-08, December 1989.
Statistical Analysis of High Pressure Fuel Turbo Pump Static Seals, Kyle Siegrist, Calspan Corporation, Contract Number S89-08, March, 1990.
Reliability Growth/Useful Life Methodology Analysis, Kyle Siegrist, Calspan Corporation, Special Study Z001V02, July, 1991.
Reliability of Systems with Random Transfer of Control, Kyle Siegrist, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, December 1985–May, 1986, $18,000.
Development of a Predictive Model from Hardware Historical Failure Data, Kyle Siegrist, EP Goss, and .LS Yarborough; Rockwell Corporation, March–April, 1986, $10,000.
Time Line Analysis for Evaluation of C2 Architectures, Kyle Siegrist and MH Chang; US Army Missile Command, July–September, 1987, $12,000.
Reliability and Survivability of Communications Networks, Peter Slater, Ashok Amin and Kyle Siegrist, Office of Naval Research, 1986–1988, $170,000.
Special Studies: Analysis of SSME Premature Cutoff and Nozzle Tube Leaks, Kyle Siegrist, Calspan Corporation, October, 1988–March, 1989, $11,000.
Special Studies: Analysis of SSME Nozzle Tube Leaks and HPFTP Static Seals, Kyle Siegrist, Calspan Corporation, October, 1989–March, 1990, $12,000.
Special Studies: Reliability Growth Methodology, Kyle Siegrist, Calspan Corporation, June, 1991, $4000.
Development of Software for Modeling Interactive Particle Systems, Kyle Siegrist, UAH Mini-Grant, 1994–1995, $1000.
Virtual Laboratories in Statistics, Kyle Siegrist, National Science Foundation 1997–1999, $110,000.
Preparation for Reform in the UAH Calculus Sequence, Kyle Siegrist, PM Gibson, JF Epperson, BI Kunin, W. Huang, UAH Instructional Minigrant, 1997–98, $2000.
Faculty Training in Web Based Course Material, Kyle Siegrist, UAH Instructional Minigrant, 1999–2000, $3000.
The Probability/Statistics Object Library, Kyle Siegrist, National Science Foundation 2001–2003, $158,000
Distributome, An Interactive Web-based Resource for Probability Distributions, Kyle Siegrist, Ivo Dinov, Dennis Pearl, National Science Foundation, 2010–2014, $300,000
NSF/CBMS Conference Small Deviation Probabilities: Theory and Applications (Wenbo Li, Principal Speaker), Dongsheng Wu and Kyle Siegrist, NSF/CBMS, June 2012, $50,000
\( 1/e \): How to Find the Woman (or Man) of your dreams, Longwood University, October 2006
Best practices for expository mathematics in the digital age, Panel Discussion, Annual Joint Meeting of AMS, MAA, January 2007, New Orleans (panel member and organizer).
Best practices for expository mathematics in the digital age, Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics, University of Alabama, February 2007
\( 1/e \): How to Find the Woman (or Man) of your dreams, University of South Alabama, March 2007
Probability distributions on positive semigroups, University of South Alabama, March 2007
Dueling platforms: Flash versus Java, Panel Discussion, Annual Joint Meeting of AMS, MAA, January 2008, San Diego (panel member and co-organizer).
How to gamble if you must, UAH Math Club, March 2008
Probability Distributions on Partially Ordered Sets, UAH Math Colloquium, April 2008
Probability Distributions on Partially Ordered Sets, Special Session on Probability on Discrete and Partially Ordered Sets, AMS Southeastern Section Meeting, October 2008.
My Favorite Function, Annual Meeting of the AACTM, February 2009, Jacksonville State University
Publishing Mathematics on the Web, Annual Joint Meeting of the AMS, MAA, San Francisco, January 2010, panel member and co-organizer
Distributome: An Interactive Web-based Resource for Probability Distributions, Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics, May 2012
Distributome: An Interactive Web-based Resource for Probability Distributions, poster session, TUES Principal Investigator Conference, Washington DC, January 2013
A Methodology for Analysis of the Workforce Needs for Primary Care Access in Rural Alabama, 10th Annual AAMC Health Workforce Conference, May 2014, Washington DC
Distributome: An Interactive Web-based Resource for Probability Distributions, poster session, Annual Joint Meeting of the AMS/MAA, Baltimore, January 2014
Web Resources for Interactive Probability, Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics, May 2014
Distributome: An Interactive Web-based Resource for Probability Distributions, poster session, Annual Joint Meeting of the AMS/MAA, San Antonio, January 2015
Probability Distributions on a Space with a Binary Relation, Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, University of Alabama in Huntsville, March 2015
Probability Distributions on a Space with a Binary Relation,colloquium, University of Alabama at Brimingham, April 2015
The Distributome Project, poster session, US Conference on Teaching Statistics, May 2015
Measuring Access to Primary Care in Alabama via GIS Modeling, William Coleman and Kyle Siegrist, poster session, conference on Research Innovations in Medical Education, University of Alabama in Birmingham, September 2015
Measures of Domination and Distance for Independent Sets Studied as Prioritized Multiproperty Set Problems
Complexity of Set-Valued Maps
Probability Distributions on Temporal Semigroups
Wavelet Estimators In Nonparametric Regression Model And Simulation Study, co-chair with Dongsheng Wu
Please see the undergraduate catalog of the University of Alabama in Huntsville for course descriptions.
Please see the graduate catalog of the University of Alabama in Huntsville for course descriptions.