1. Reliability
  2. 2. Semigroups
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 5
  8. 6
  9. 7
  10. 8

3. Left Invariant Measures

Our starting point again is a measurable space (S,S) with the assumptions and notation in Section 1. In particular, (S,) is a measurable semigroup that satisfies the left cancellation property. Recall also that the graph (S,) associated with (S,) is defined by xy if and only if yxS for x,yS so that y=xt for some tS. In the case of a positive semigroup, studied in Section 2, the relation is a partial order.


Suppose that we have a fixed σ-finite reference measure λ for (S,S). The following restates a definition from Section 1.1, but in the notation of semigroups.

The semigroup (S,) is (right) positive (with respect to λ) if λ(xS)>0 for xS.

We usually assume that the semigroup is positive with respect to the reference measure, so that the measure and the semigroup (and its graph) are connected in a fundamental way. In particular, recall that xS is the set of (right) neighbors of xS and that the σ-algebra associated with the semigroup (or its graph) is S0=σ{xS:xS}. Left invariance of a measure on (S,S) with respect to the semigroup (S,) is the abstract version of translation invariance for Lebesgue measure and counting measure, and is very important for our study of probability on semigroups.

Suppose that (S,) is a semigroup. A σ-finite measure λ is left invariant for (S,) if λ(xA)=λ(A) for every xS and AS.

We always assume that λ(S)>0, so trivially (S,) is positive with respect to a left-invariant measure λ. Naturally there is a parallel definition for a right invariant measure which leads in turn to the definition for an invariant measrue that is both left and right invariant. Invariant measures (left, right, or both) are also known as Haar measures in honor of Alfred Haar, who first studied them. Left invariance is the property that is important for our study of abstract reliability.

Suppose that λ is left invariant for (S,). Then for xS and AS, λ(x1A)=λ(AxS)


Recall that x(x1A)=AxS for xS and AS. Hence λ[x(x1A)]=λ(x1A)=λ(AxS)

In partiular, λ(x1A)=λ(A) if xS and AS with AxS. The left cancellation property would seem to be a necessary condition for left invariance to make sense, since txt is an isomorphism from the graph (S,) to the graph (xS,) for each xS. Trivially, if λ is left invariant for (S,) then so is cλ where c(0,). So we are particularly interested in the case where a left-invariant measure exists and is unique up to multiplication by positive constants, either on the associated σ-algebra S0 or the reference σ-algebra S. The next example and proposition give a case where uniqueness fails in the extreme, and an important case where uniqueness holds.

Suppose that (S,) is the right zero semigroup on S, so that xy=y for x,yS. Then xA=A for xS and AS, so trivially every measure λ on (S,S) is left invariant.

Suppose that (S,) is a discrete semigroup.

  1. Counting measure # is left invariant.
  2. If (S,) has an identity then # is the unique left-invariant measure, up to multiplication by positive constants.

Recall that the term discrete means that S is countable and S is the power set of S.

  1. If xS and AS then A and xA have the same cardinality by the left cancellation property so #(xA)=#(A). Hence # is left invariant.
  2. Suppose that (S,) has an identity element e. If λ is a left-invariant measure then λ({x})=λ(x{e})=λ({e}) for xS. Hence λ=λ({e})#.

Here is the classical existence and uniqueness theorem in the special case of a topological group:

Suppose that (S,U) is a locally compact topological space. If (S,) is a topological group then there exists a regular left-invariant Borel measure λ that is unique up to multiplication by positive constants.


Recall that S is given the Borel σ-algebra S=σ(U). The term topological group means that the function (x,y)x1y from S2 (with the product topology) into S is continuous. The term Borel measure means that λ(A)>0 if AS is open, and the term regular means that for AS λ(A)=sup{λ(C):CA,C compact}λ(A)=inf{λ(U):AU,U open} The first condition is inner regularity and the second condition is outer regularity. The proof of the theorem can be found in the book by Halmos.

However, a full group is usually not the proper object of study in the abstract reliability setting. Rather, we are usually interested in a sub-semigroup of positive elements.

Suppose again that (S,U) is a locally compact topological space and that (S,) is a topological group. If (T,) is a (measurable) positive sub-semigroup of (S,) and T has nonempty interior, then the regular left-invariant measure λ for (S,) is also left invariant for (T,).


The assumptions mean that the identity eT and that if x,yT+ then xyT+, where as usual, T+=T{e}. The fact that T has nonempty interior ensures that λ(T)>0. The left-invariance property trivially holds for xT and AS with AT since it holds more generally for xS and AS.

Fix xS and let φx(y)=xy for yS. Recall that φx maps S one-to-one onto xS and has inverse function given by φx1(y)=x1y for yxS. Both are measurable. By definition, if the measure λ is left invariant for (S,) then the functions φx and φx1 preserve measure: λ[φx(A)]=λ(xA)=λ(A),ASλ[φx1(A)]=λ(x1A)=λ(A),AS,AxS The standard change of variables theorem then gives integral versions of left invariance.

Suppose that λ is left invariant for (S,) and that f:SR is measurable. Then for xS (and assuming that the integrals exist), Sf(xy)dλ(y)=xSf(u)dλ(u)xSf(x1y)dλ(y)=Sf(u)dλ(u)

The fundamental mapping in Section 1 gives a two-dimensional version. As before, let φ(x,y)=(x,xy) for (x,y)S2, so that φ maps S2 one-to-one onto {(x,y)S2:xy}={(x,y):xS,yxS} and has inverse function φ1 given by φ1(x,y)=x1y for xy. Both are measurable, and it is worth noting again that the co-domain is the realtion as a set of ordered pairs. If λ is left invariant then φ preserves measure:

Suppose that λ is left invariant for (S,). Then λ2[φ(C)]=λ2(C),CS2


For CS2, let Cx={yS:(x,y)C} denote the cross section of C at xS. Then [φ(C)]x=x(Cx). Hence by Fubini's theorem and left invariance λ2[φ(C)]=Sλ([φ(C)]x)dλ(x)=Sλ[x(Cx)]dλ(x)=Sλ(Cx)dλ(x)=λ2(C)

As before, the standard change of variables theorem for integrals gives us the following:

Suppose that λ is left invariant for (S,) and that f:S2R is measurable. Then (assuming that the integrals exist), S2f(x,xy)dλ2(x,y)=uvf(u,v) dλ2(u,v)



The concept of convolution of functions makes sense in a semigroup with a left invariant reference measure. So for the remainder of this section, suppose that the σ-finite measure λ is left invariant for the semigroup (S,), and let denote the relation associated with (S,). We are only going to need convolution for nonnegative functions.

For measurble f,g:S[0,), the convolution of f with g is the function fg defined by (fg)(y)=xyf(x)g(x1y)dλ(x),yS

Note that the definition makes sense. Recall that xy if and only if yxS, so x1y is defined. Moreover, the function xg(x1y) from {xS:yxS} to [0,) is measurable. Like the semigroup itself, convolution is associative, but not commutative in general.

For measurable f,g,h:S[0,), [(fg)h](z)=[f(gh)](z)=xyzf(x)g(x1y)h(y1z)dλ2(x,y),zS


First, [(fg)h](z)=yz(fg)(y)h(y1z)dλ(y)=yz[xyf(x)g(x1y)dλ(x)]h(y1z)dλ(y)=yzxyf(x)g(x1y)h(y1z)dλ(x)dλ(y),zS On the other hand, for zS, [f(gh)](z)=xzf(x)(gh)(x1z)dλ(x)=xzf(x)yx1zg(y)h[y1(x1z)]dλ(y)dλ(x) But if xz and yx1z then y1(x1z)=(xy)1z. Our basic measure preserving mapping u=x, v=xy transforms the domain {(x,y)S2:xz,yx1z} one-to-one onto the domain {(u,v)S2:uv,vz}. Hence from [10], [f(gh)](z)=vzuvf(u)g(u1v)h(v1z)dλ(u)dλ(v)


Convolution can also be defined for finite measures without reference to an underlying left-invariant measure. Probability measures, of course, are the most important special case.

Suppose that μ and ν are finite measures on (S,S). The convolution of μ with ν is the finite measure defined by (μν)(A)=S21A(xy)d(μ×ν)(x,y)

There are several variations.

Suppose again that μ and ν are finite measures on (S,S). Then (μν)(A)=SS1A(xy)dμ(x)dν(y)=SS1A(xy)dν(y)dμ(x)=Sν(x1A)dμ(x),AS


The first and second representations follows from the definition by Fubini's theorem. The third representation follows from the second since xyA if and only if yx1A.

Once again, convolution is associative.

Suppose that μ, ν, and ρ are finite measures on (S,S). Then (μν)ρ=μ(νρ) so we can write μνρ without ambiguity.


The common value is S31A(xyz)d(μ×ν×ρ)(x,y,z)=SSS1A(xyz)dμ(x)dν(y)dρ(z),AS

Given definition [13], the following result is not surprising.

Suppose that μ and ν are finite measures and that f:S[0,) is measurable. Then Sf(z)d(μν)(z)=S2f(xy)d(μ×ν)(x,y)=SSf(xy)dμ(x)dν(y)


The first representation follows from definition [13] by a standard boot-strapping argument. The second representation follows from the first by Fubini's theorem.

This result holds more generally for measurable f:SR, assuming that the integrals exist.


Positive Semigroups

Positive semigroups are a particularly important special case. Suppose that (S,) is a positive semigroup with identity e, so that the associated relation is a partial order . We assume again that we have a fixed, left-invariant measure λ, and as usual, we let L denote the adjacency kernel and un the (left) walk function of order nN (with respect to λ of course).

For nN+, Ln(x,y)=Ln(e,x1y)=un1(x1y),xy


Suppose that xy and nN+. The simple combinatorial argument is that xx1x2xn1y is a walk of length n from x to y if and only if ex1x1x1x2x1xn1x1y is a walk of length n from e to x1y, if and only if x1x1x1x2x1xn1x1y is a walk of length n1 terminating in x1y. As will be shown in Section 7, the product measure λn1 is left invariant for the product semigroup (Sn1,). Hence the three sets of walks have the same measure.

Standard Spaces

Consider the standard continuous semigroup ([0,),+). Recall that the underlying measure space is ([0,),B,λ) where B is the σ-algebra of Borel sets and λ is Lebesgue measure.

  1. λ is the unique left-invariant measure, up to multiplication by positive constants.
  2. For nN+, Ln(x,y)=Ln(0,yx)=un1(yx)=(yx)n1(n1)!,xy

Consider the standard discrete semigroup (N,+). The underlying measure space is (N,P(N),#).

  1. # is the unique left-invariant measure, up to multiplication by positive constants.
  2. For nN, Ln(x,y)=Ln(0,yx)=un1(yx)=(yx+n1n1),xy