This site displays data on schools, both public and private, in Alabama for the 2020/2021 school year. Our data are based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
For both public and private schools, data fields include
- Name
- City
- County
- Grade range (lower grade to upper grade)
- City, Midsize
- City, Small
- Suburb, Large
- Suburb, Midsize
- Suburb, Small
- Town, Fringe
- Town, Distant
- Town, Remote
- Rural, Fringe
- Rural, Distant
- Rural, Remote
- Number of teachers
- Number of students
- Student-teacher ratio
For the public schools, additional data fields include
Charter school status
Magnet school status
Title 1 status
- Number of students on free lunch
- Number of students on reduced lunch
For the private schools, additional data fields include
Library status
Gender type
- Co-Ed
- All male
- All female
School type
- Regular
- Montessori
- Special Program
- Special Education
- Career or vocational or technical
- Alternative
- Early chilchood
Educational Level
- Elementary
- Secondary
- Combined
Religious affiliation
- Catholic
- Other religious
- Nonsectarian
- AACS: American Association of Christian Schools
- ACCS: Association of Classical and Christian Schools
- ACE: Accelerated Christian Education
- ACSI: Association of Christian Schools International
- ACTS: Association of Christian Teachers and Schools
- AMCS: Association of Military Colleges and Schools
- AMI: Association Montessori International
- ASN: Alternative School Network
- CSI: Christian Schools International
- ECIS: European Council for International Schools
- GCSDAC: General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
- ISLA: Islamic School League of America
- Montessori: Other Montessori association
- NAES: National Association of Episcopal Schools
- NAIS: National Association of Independent Schools
- NCEA: National Catholic Educational Association
- NCGS: National Coalition of Girls' Schools
- NCSA: National Christian School Association
- NSHDS: National Society for Hebrew Day Schools
- ORUEF: Oral Roberts University Educational Fellowship
- SBACS: Southern Baptist Association of Christian Schools
- TABS: The Association of Boarding Schools
- Other: Other religious school associations
- State: State or regional independent school association
- None: School does not belong to any associations or organizations
User Interface
Our data are displayed in the form of interactive maps and interactive tables. The maps generally have point or area layers that can be added or removed with the layer control on the map. The user can zoom in and out of a map and move about in the usual way. Zooming in reveals additional features such as small towns and then streets and roads. A click on the home button returns the map to its origional location and scale. The zoom-to-area button allows the user to zoom to a selected rectangular area of the map. Clicking on an object in a layer shows summary data for that object.
The interactive tables can be sorted by any field, by clicking on the header for that field. The buttons at the top allow the table data to be copied to the clipboard, in tab-separated text format, printed, or downloaded in various formats (tab-separated text, Excel, or PDF). With the search bar, the table can be filtered according to a text string.
In the interactive tables that display geographic point or area data, you can click on a row to select an object and see the object highlighted in the map. You can select as many rows as you wish. Click on a selected row again to de-select and remove the highlight.
The data are based on the 2020/2021 school year, and so give information about Alabama schools at a point in time. The schools may well have changed since the time when the NCES data were downloaded. The NCES data may also be inaccurate or incomplete.