Customizing and Extending Content MathML

Kyle Siegrist

Department of Mathematical Sciences

University of Alabama in Huntsville


This article gives a brief introduction into how Content MathML can be customized and extended. I will argue that suitably modified versions of Content MathML, together with the XSL stylesheets for translation into standard Presentation MathML, can be viewed as an authoring platform. As an illustration, I will describes the customized Content MathML and corresponding stylesheet for the project Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics.

Technical Requirements

The Content MathML version of this article requires the Firefox browser (which is available on the Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms), and will look best if the STIX fonts are also installed. This is the recommended way to veiw the article. The Presentation MathML version of the article will work with Firefox and also with Internet Explorer on Windows with the MathPlayer plug-in installed. This version should also be accessible with the Opera Browser, although display of the mathematical expressions will not be ideal. Finally, the PDF version of the article should work on any platform with any browser that has a PDF viewer plug-in, but hyperlinks are not active in the PDF version.

Main Exposition

Content MathML Version

  1. Introduction and Background
  2. MathML
  3. Customizing Content MathML
  4. A Customized Content MathML for Probability and Statistics
  5. Conclusions and References

Presentation MathML Version

  1. Introduction and Background
  2. MathML
  3. Customizing Content MathML
  4. A Customized Content MathML for Probability and Statistics
  5. Conclusions and References

PDF Version

  1. Introduction and Background
  2. MathML
  3. Customizing Content MathML
  4. A Customized Content MathML for Probability and Statistics
  5. Conclusions and References
